Ljudmila Kusakowa

Art  Director


VGIK, Moscow

Member of Association of Russian Kinematographers

People‘s  Artist of the RF,

twice recipient of State Prize




1978 –  An  Ordinary Miracle.  (R.: M. Zakharov)

1979 –  26 Days from the Life of Dostoevskiy.

              (R.:  A. Zarkhi)

1980 –  Lenin in Paris. (R.: S. Yutkevitch)

1982 –  The Pokrovsky Gate. (R.: M. Kozakov)

1987 –  The  Black Monk. (R.: I. Dichovitschniy)

1995 –  The Daughter of Gentlian-Peasant Woman.

              (R.:  A. Sakharov)

2008 – Ward  Nr. 6. (R.: K. Schahnazarow)


and more